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About H Curtis...

Holly believes in writing as self-therapy, as well as fun. She loves the philosophical in everything and enjoys many different genres, especially stories with a bit of everything. She's often found sitting next to a dog, feverishly scribbling or typing words.

Where's H Curtis?
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The Book of Wisdom-ish

Adventure begins with a book... And an A.

The Book of Wisdom-ish is where short stories meet a novel, set in the faery tale kingdom of Hearts Melting. The tales are based on well-known sayings, held together by one girl’s investigation into the mysterious holes in the sky. And scones.

Wielding only a potato masher, twelve-year-old Mary must deal with a demon (proving a book should be judged by its cover). Then she notices a peculiar sky-hole…

Grass-eating faery Draxen demonstrates his friendship, Cook is challenged by the proof of the puddings and two-headed giant Crackncrag struggles to be understood. Cities made of glass and myth-magical creatures also feature. As the power behind the sky-holes increases its grip on the land, a dark purpose is revealed. With Mary leading the charge, all must unite to save their peculiar world.

The Book of Wisdom-ish is available to order from Amazon or on request at most bookshops. For ages 9+.

Book cover should be here!
Where's the seperator image? :(